Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2021

Does your website focus on your target audience?

It may seem obvious that you think through which people you turn to when building a website. But that is not the case!

If you browse around for a while and take a look at websites, you'll soon see that most people write dignifiedly impersonally and uninspired. Many companies have websites where you find out very succinctly that they exist and what they do or have to offer. Often without personal appeal and absolutely no questions about what the visitor expects from the company. It is rarely offered easily accessible deeper information, yes the list can be made indefinitely.

It's only when you know what the goal of your website is that it's worth building and running one. Are you going to use it to drive people to your store or are you going to let more people get to know you and your services?

Start from your target group, which no one knows better than you, when defining the goal of the website. It is not easy to build a website on your own and especially one that is built with a focus on your target group. But now we’re talking first class onsite SEO.

There is no one who can build the homepage for you, but with – Website Creation and Design – in your hands you will always be able to build a great site! good luck!

On Reblogging,
Tomas Ohlum

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Excerpt: "How to Choose the Best Website Design for Your Business. Whether your business has been established offline for years or whether it is a new business altogether, the design of your website must coincide with your overall brand image and sales goals." Comes with Master Resale Rights, comes with a sales page.
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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Do You know what Voice Search SEO is?

You’ve probably heard about or used the Voice Search function on your phone. The use of this fantasic function is growing like crazy and has improved life of many. Because of this, Voice SEO is increasingly important for companies, organizations and other websites.

The procedure is different than standard SEO approach and mentality. Usually typed searches are brief and straight to the point. Voice Search queries are often long tail, with full questions posed.

Interested? Go here for more information about Voice Search SEO

Voice Search SEO

On Reblogging,
Tomas Ohlum

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Road to Web Success (Part 2.) - Usability & Web Design

Search Engine Friendly VS User Friendly Web Design, Opposite Relationship Or Not? The facts presented below are very important for SEO but not so obvious to some web designers.

Search engine friendly web design
Properly designed html is very important for SEO and online marketing. All search engine software is designed to look for relevant information and unique text on websites built with html.

It may be a good idea to use attractive things like Flash objects in a few places on the site to get the attention of the visitors. But using such things all over the website is out of the question if you want to build a search engine friendly website.

You should focus on simplicity when designing a website if you want the search engines to find it. A trendy and flashy website can attract many visitors and some will come back even if it is just to look at your cool website again. Some web designers tend to forget that many cool websites are not found by the search engines, they simply cannot follow the links and there is no textual content to index.

The link structure of the pages on the website is also very important. For example, if you link to more information with a descriptive text link, it helps the search engine to understand and index that page correctly.

Ok, search engines can find, analyze and understand what your site is about. But how user-friendly is it for your visitors? No need to worry. What is required for a good search engine optimized website often matches the most important criteria for building a user-friendly website.

User-friendly web design
You should strive for simple and clear information, in the right place. The shortest possible path between the start page and the product or information further down in the page structure.

The main idea of ​​the design should be to make it easier for the visitor to find the product or information he or she is looking for. There you see, exactly the same as with search engines!

On reblogging,
Tomas Ohlum
SEO specialist

Take back your life. Our program shows you how! >>

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Road to Web Success (Part 1.) - SEO

What the heck is SEO?

Maybe you've read a lot about search engine optimization already. Roughly simplified, one can say that the idea of SEO is:

  - Building a website in a way that places it among the top search results on the major search engines on the web, when you search with keywords that are related to the content of the website. 
Search engines use simple software to index web pages, and the program analyzes the content of a website to determine what the website is about. Should a keyword be integrated so that it appears naturally in the text, the search engines will see the site as relevant to the keyword, making it rank higher among the search results.

If the optimization is done correctly, it will lead to more interested visitors visiting the site. But search engine optimization is not just about making sure you have keywords in the text, alt tags, page titles and meta description.

You also need to review and adjust the content of the entire site with regard to:

- Relevance, timeliness, readability and grammar of the text content.
- Information value. Is the website a "stand-alone" source of knowledge in your field?
- Navigability. Does the website have short and logical paths to more information / contact page etc.?
Inbound links. Does your website have other websites that link to it? Relevant blogs, mentions with links in social media, etc. 

What does it take to succeed in SEO?

There is a lot to say about it. Google is constantly making adjustments to its algorithms in order to deliver the best possible search results, but it is always best to start from scratch if you want to keep up in the long run.

I think it is most important to first choose the right keywords for their SEO. When it comes to online searches, it is common for people to search with a single word and some of these single words can be incredibly popular, but rarely lead to contacts or purchases.

There are also words / phrases that are specific to a particular industry and so special that no one searches for them. The optimal keyword is one that relatively many people search for and that leads to visits and possible contact or purchase.

Search engines (read Google) require well-written, relevant, unique text with sufficient informational value. The keywords / phrases must be written into the text in a natural way.

The next post on "The road to success on the web" is about search engine friendly VS user-friendly web design.

On reblogging,
Tomas Ohlum

Friday, December 11, 2009

Vilken effekt på SEO får Google's nya personliga sökfunktion?

Jag som de flesta andra "specialister" på SEO är vana vid förändringar i sökmotorfunktioner. Den förbättring för användare av sökmotorn Google som nu genomförts, skakar om lite extra.

Min syn på vad personligt anpassade organiska sökresultat innebär för oss sökmotoroptimerare och webbmasters som optimerar på egen hand:

Först, vad har förändrats?
När du söker med Google, kommer det att ge resultat med högre relevans för vad du söker efter, i motsats till relevansen för en den genomsnittlige användaren som hittills varit fallet.

Vad kan det betyda för sökmotoroptimering?
Om folk börjar få fler resultat som är speciellt anpassade till deras egen smak, kan det kanske bli svårare för företag att nå dem genom traditionell SEO-taktik.
Å andra sidan är det så att Google alltid kommer att göra förändringar, men det kommer alltid finnas sätt att anpassa sin SEO därefter. Hur då?

Jag är inget orakel men den tanke som först dyker upp är:
Optimera ännu mer för specifika sökbegrepp, alltså sökordskombinationer som din målgrupp kan tänkas knappa in i sökrutan.

I övrigt i dessa första dagar efter förändringen. Jag tänka mig att det blir viktigare med sponsrade länkar om man vill synas på konkurrensutsatta sökord/fraser. Samtidigt som det öppnar möjligheter för mer målriktad organisk sökoptimering.
Alltså, sponsrade länkar i kombination med organisk/naturlig SEO som verkligen fokuserar på din målgrupp.

Kanske inte så stor skillnad egentligen, den som söker får se.

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

Tomas Ohlum
SEO tips