Turn your skills into cash with Flexxity!
Do you have a skill or talent that other people might need? Turn it into a paycheck by listing it at Flexxity!
Handyman services, landscaping, pet sitting, computer repair, yoga classes, guitar lessons—any in-demand service can become a profitable side hustle and put extra money in your pocket.
And becoming a "Flexpert" is simple and easy! Just list your service, set your price, and you're off and running! There are no products to stock or new skills to learn. We'll provide everything you need to develop and build your service business—including promoting you worldwide via the Flexxity search engine and to our database of millions of members.
You also get full access to our world-class training and marketing resources—all for as little as $3.33 a month (just $.11 per day)!
Already have a full-time job? No problem! With
Flexxity's unique platform, you can make yourself available ONLY when you want to. Pause your listing whenever you want. It's your business; YOU set your prices and YOU set own schedule! You're the boss!
What can I do to make extra money?
You might be surprised how many things you can do that other people would pay for! There are literally thousands of services. Following are just a few ideas of the kinds of services you could list:
House Cleaning, Babysitting, Dog Walking, Pet Sitting, Secretarial Services,
Moving Services, Yard Cleanup, Lawn Care, Painting, Handyman
Decorating Services, Car Maintenence, Delivery Services, Household Chores
Driving Services, Copy Writing, Marketing Services, SEO Services, Home Organization
Life Coaching, Cooking, Dog poo Removal, Technology Tutor, Fashion Advisor
Snow Removal, Craft Instructor, Clothing Repair, Jewelry Making, Baking, Photography
Event Planning, Graphic Design, Knitting and more…..
Join people around the world making extra money with a Flexxity listing >>>
On Reblogging,
Tomas Ohlum